Yes I guess most of you still having some "Samsung Galaxy SII- fever" out there! For those who havent't check out the site that I've shared in my previous post, you better do it quick! It is the new Samsung interactive and fun microsite "I Love Samsung Galaxy SII" and if you looking for some fun and want for more surprises, you just gotta check this site out quick!
Is it hard? Not at all. Just a simple click to I Love Samsung Galaxy SII at And you will be landing at a blue-ish site with some simple and user friendly interface and fun not just end at there! Click the "Click Here!" words as highlighted and get more fun!

As you can see here, there are 4 sections where you can actually see the videos at highlighted box 1; where you can type ANYTHING in the small box and click Play at highlighted box 2 (you're gonna be surprise with what you see after you type!); the action request board where you can see all the actions requested by the guests at highlighted box 3 and also where you can actually post YOUR action request by clicking the highlighted box 4!
After clicking the "Post Action Request" in previous interface, it will lead to another interface where there's a Post Action Request form and there you go. Just type and REQUEST for anything you want them to do! We shall see if your request will be chosen by them!
This is what happened after I typed "EAT" !
So, watcha waiting for? Head over to I Love Samsung Galaxy SII and key-in your preferred words to get the talents to act the words. Click PLAY NOW and have the fun! And do remember click LIKE Samsung Univez on Facebook too!