"Eh you no longer work in xxxx?"
"Where do you work now? Which company?"
"Why you so free now? No need to work already?"
I am kind of sick with all these questions and it's getting more and more. First, I have joined this company as a part timer when I was still with LivingSocial MY. I continued as a part time until I left Qoo10 MY. The company offered a full time position and I joined as full timer, am I consider changing job? :D Basically, am just continue what I have been doing all these while, am I right?
When I joined them, I only have 2 person I can called as colleagues including my boss. Lol~ But I seriously never expect I can learn much more things compare to I work with whole bunch of people. So basically my job at that time was help the team in managing the facebook page called "Kpop Music Videos". At that time, the number of fans in that page was around 3-4k? Look at it now, it's now over 1.2million fans and we have achieved that within less than a year time. Trust me, managing a Facebook page is definitely not as simple as posting it. We have done a lot of research and even analysed our data. I would never say it's easy to achieve it but it's not something impossible. :D At least, I'm glad there's always a target that I need to hit to slowly get to know what's my limit.
I ranted a lot about work on my twitter previously, as much as I'm sorry for doing so, I just can't stand working with and handling brainless people. Can you see the difference now? It's like I'm working with the right team and looking at my "babies" slowly growing bigger, it just made me happy. Don't tell me it's because am still in my honeymoon period for this job because this is not my first 3 months doing it.
Am not sure if it's going to continue grow bigger but one thing for sure, I will be very very sad when I need to pass something that I'm in during the beginning and ended up no longer with me. I get emotionally sad easily when I could not see the progress in it but then I still learn to be patience and without all these people, I just don't think I can do it.
Perhaps, you can check out or maybe support my precious babies below? :D I will be very very happy!
- Like KPop Music Videos Facebook Page (We promise we will bring more exciting news and surprise for you!)
- Follow us on twitter at @eumakh
- Check out and keep in touch with us on our blog at blog.eumakh.com!
- Check out and download our very first Android app at HERE!
- Check out our main site www.eumakh.com where you can enjoy music video all day long as you wish! ^^
P/S: I have proper job and no, am not depending on anyone. I don't like it that way too.