Weeeee!! <333
Haha i am happy again!
After like two days being kinda emo, and finally am happy again.
Well i know who care anyway?
I was supposed to blog last night, yes but there are few people was msn-ing and ym-ing and tweeting with me, which causing me no mood (in a good way) to continue blog. Lol.
So, I am going to continue blog now. haha.
I was reading blogs and found out few interesting blogs!
Getting to know with the bloggers are so much fun and yes happy as we're now friend as well in Facebook and Twitter. This is what networking done well!
Last night i enjoy webcam with them.
One of my friendS was currently at China now for working purpose.
He showed me how dead boring is that place can be. Well poor him as he was placed to stay at suburban city. He starts complaining about almost all the websites blocked and thank god that yahoo messenger is available. If not he's gonna get totally boring for doing nothing at all.
So, he opened his webcam and shows me around.
He told me no other channel except local channel which is like dead boring.
Pity of him and just accompany him by chatting.
Another one was one of the INTIan - Daniel Goh, just get to know him after he visited my blog. Okay was tweeting with him and he tweeted about something like this.
Fascinating = Fast-CINA-ting.
Lol, there's a word "CINA" in the middle which is like sounds so weird for me.
CINA = Chinese.
And he is a blogger too. :) His blog is nice too! Then we start msn and end up in skype, just due to his Mac and no webcam for msn. =.=
He makes me LOL a lot by showing his stupid dummy cute faces on the cam!
Lol. It’s fun and nice to talk to him.
All the topics last night are mostly craps!
Ohyea, I also did Facebook-ing with one of the blogger that I recently know.
I heart her blog and its one of the interesting blog that I’ve read.
(hope you don't mind yea. I purposely took the one with your blog link on it to show the copyrighted.)
She added me in Facebook which makes me feeling glad and yes I can see her little hero's cute pictures!
Ohmy, i am just a kid-lover, don't believe me? Ask my friends how I can be when saw a little cute baby or kid. ;p
Okay, Merryn said that her friends told her that I am pretty, and she does think so.
Somebody who would like to help me get them, because that’s SO FALSE!
See... all the new friends I have know are all amazing people!
So proud aye!
Okay enough about last night.
I woke up kinda late this morning, too much dreams in wonderland last night.
: p
So, it’s like everything is so rushed and I didn't have enough time for breakfast at home.
I had my breakfast in the office, and guess what?
I didn't realized I am wearing white color tops, using white color bag, white color shoe, and white color purse, until my colleague say " Carol, why are you so WHITE again? "
- Yesterday -

- Today -
I was like huh? And I look at myself, ohmygod! Yea am almost all white except my jeans.
[In case you guys question about why I am wearing kind of casual, the answer is because I am going to hang out with friends after work and lazy change cloth.]
This morning the pervert came into office and this is the very first time I saw him so serious with his job.
To be honest, I myself too couldn't believe that I can work with him so well. :)
This is too the first time I saw another strict side of him, he scolded my colleague which in-charge in Jotun paint.
As a result of my observation, I realized he is a perfectionist!
It is quite scary for me.
Whatever it is, am still happy! =D
My respective accountant absent today therefore I have less task to do. ;p
Yes and that’s causing me gotta have fun with all the dearest customers. Haha.
Well actually I enjoyed myself at office today with fewer tasks to do and not tension with accounts matter.
Seriously, I shouldn't pamper myself too much as I know that when it comes to end of month, I’ll be busy like hell and get very tense for the whole day and it’s for few days till I can balance up all the accounts and statements! Die!
This Saturday is the day!
Earth Hour, if you don't have any idea about this, you're such moron!
This big special event reminded me about my last year. :(
Though there's lots unhappy moments yet it’s the most significant and memorable one! It’s just unforgettable!
I blogged about it in my previous blog and that time I was in almost the end of my final semester in college and was having one of the subject - Event Management.
There are only 14 of us taking the subject and we decided to organize a Fund-Raising dinner in aid of WWF.
[Just showing 1% out of the pictures taken on that night]
The logo that designed by us.
Doesn't it look like foongpc? hehe kidding. :P
Simple yet meaningful
The ladies of the team!
Committee members with our respectively Dr. Alan, the academic dean and Mr. Sylvester, the Head of Program of SOHAT.
[SOHAT = School Of Hospitality And Tourism]
We went through lots of hard time in getting it done successfully. I don't think we’re going to forget about all those happiness, arguments, disagreements that happened on us.
Mich and I were chosen to be the presenter for the Earth Hour moments.
So, you guys know?
It’s very precious moments I can say and it was last minutes planned, yet both us, no i mean all of us stayed up till very very late just to get our script done.
We managed to get few VIPs to attend the dinner function and we raised extra money from the guests on that night too. See people, how kind hearted are all of them?
They already paid for the tickets which are like quite expensive as it is for the charity, and they are still feeling free to donate more on that night.
There are lots of funs on that night, everybody gets exhausted yet it’s worth!
I am totally missing those particular moments with them.
Am totally looking forward for this Saturday!
Oh yea, and also looking forward for Bro Delvin graduation day which mean we're going back to Labuan!
Looking forward to move into new office too!
Another happening event - INTI Night! Gonna spend my night full blast with my two BFFs and of course with my former lecturers and of course my lovely juniors!
Can’t wait to meet you guys!
