Seems like am showing my dissatisfaction huh?
Well, I've spent some times to read blogs just now.
Guess what? These TWO posts is really reminds me about how my lecturers and most of my friends thought that I DO NOT KNOW HOW TO COOK.
Just so you guys know that I am graduated in Diploma in Tourism Management.
So, for being in the hospitality line, FOODS is always with us! Yea right, nice to see, nice to eat.
I remembered the most how they rated my cooking skills just by how I look and act?!
It’s happened on my final semester whereby we’re having Tourism Marketing subject and I still remember that one of my course-mate Jannyfer is going to get married and we starts being busybody about how’s her wedding arrangement, her future in-laws, her future husband and her COOKING SKILLS. See… we are supposed to just talk about her, but when come to the last topic, I’ve been “wanted” and become the victim of the topic.
The lecturer start asking how we rate ourselves in cooking skills, and we go one by one, it’s started smoothly and till my turn and I said I would rate myself B+
Here it is, everyone start looking and laughing at me, I was like “What’s wrong?! I can cook as well kay!” Then they said C+ would be suited me more. I am getting so frustrated. Even my bestie was at there and she stand at their side owh. She knew that I can actually cook, I cooked dinner for both them when I stayed overnight at their place aye! Hmph!
The fact is I CAN cook, just that I LESS cook okay?
Although I start learns to cook when I’m 18-years old but it’s not too late right?
I do admit that since I start study, I am very very seldom cooking. :P
Seldom cooking doesn’t mean didn’t cook at all, right?
I ever prepared three complete meals when I stayed over at my classmate’s place for study purpose.
I helped my mom prepare lunch when she’s sick and dad out working.
I cooked with my little aunt Frenda too when i stayed with her.
I even cooked for my last last time former boyfriend when he’s at my house.
I can cook, it just that I need to polish up my cooking skills.
Don’t just think I only know how to cook Maggie mee and fried egg kay!
Everyone won’t want to believe that I am 19 years old that time, they always says me 9-years old kid.
That’s the reason I am so glad that I am 20-years old last year 1st December!
They can’t say anything because the number is 20. Heee. :P
I know it’s weird for a person keep wanting their age getting older, but seriously I am desperately want to reach 21!
Another thing bothering me is people thought I always showing my blurr aka confuse face expression when they talk about something.
Of course I am going to give you blurr look when you talk about something I do not know. Hmph!
I know sometimes you guys just purposely twisting up some topics and make me get confused and when I get blurr and trying to think about it, you guys laughing there!
It’s not fun at all kay!

Just for you:

Just for you:
Chill my dear! I guess you gonna have to post a picture of you cooking here like Tekkaus. ^^
ReplyDeleteI can cook but can you eat? haha
ReplyDelete@Jimi oh here u are mr jomshout, hehe. nah! d problem is i actually never prepare ingredients myself aye! :( If at home learn, mum n dad helped. heee.. unc tekkaus's one nice kan? jealous me! hahaha! but he stil lose to his wifey. :P
ReplyDelete@Bananaz LOL! Of course i can! yay! got people wanna cook for me! hahaha!
ReplyDeleteI can cook but nobody dares to eat including me. So how? lol..
ReplyDelete@Bananaz lol so fast got ur reply. :)
ReplyDeleteI can cook but nobody dares to eat including me. <--- gimme some times to re-think again. ROFL! my god! i laugh like nonstop okay!
you can cook? i also can say that i can cook ;p
ReplyDeleteyes.. gal must noe how to cook
ReplyDeleteHats of for you. First thing first you managed to scour that post of mine which is very outdated. :p Again, thanks for mentioning my lousy blog.
ReplyDeleteI believe you can cook too. Aiyoh...don't need to get angry lar. :p
ReplyDelete@DarknessMatter James, dnt try to mess with me ah! lucky u're not in the class that time. if not, u're done! hahahaha but i really can cook ba!
ReplyDelete@ddy the writer! yea my mom always said that, if not cham lor next time. :P
ReplyDelete@Tekkaus Uncle!!! u don't know how i feel when everyone just don't want to believe that i can cook. *sobbing* wei, ur blog whr got lousy?! who say that?! i go whack dat person. :P
ReplyDeleteYea u can cook well too.. hehe.. u remember last time when u stayed with me both of us cooked the spaghetti... hehe..
ReplyDeleteoh i know. .its teori class right, where all the "imaginations " begins. we dont need ingredients, we don't need anything as long as we have ~ I m a g i n a t i o n s s s s nee carol -san
ReplyDelete@Frenda YEA!!! we cooked spagetti! nice kan? i can cook kan? hmph! see! james still wanna tease me thr!
ReplyDelete@DarknessMatter woi james-kun! watashi wakarimasen! hahahaha! :P stop teasing me ba u. am so gud girl 1 kay. :P
ReplyDeleteAiyor...wanna grade people's cooking kah? *runs and hides... Mine is just for survival, simple easy-to-cook stuff so one would not starve. Wow!!! You have the professional qualification kah? Gee!!! Hope to see some posts on your cooking then... Must be real good! Wink! Wink! LOL!!!
ReplyDeleteP.S. UNCLE Takkaus' wife can cook kah? Don't remember him mentioning that? LOL!!!
wow..cook 4 me ah darl..haha
ReplyDelete@suituapui paiseh paiseh.. if i cook, got the oil, i jumping here n thr de. :p die lor.. lol surely can cook la, got 1 post unc tekkaus wrote bout it. :)
ReplyDelete@Angel R Sure darling. i can bake cake for u summore. :) hee..
ReplyDeleteBeing able to cook is a big skill, especially as a lady. We have to admit men are better cooks than ladies. Most cooks or shall I say almost all cooks are men. Seeing this, I can proudly say I cook better than you :) Here is my effort -
ReplyDelete@jam oh yea well thats true. :) btw, im proudly say i can cook better than foongpc. haha i saw his comment on unc tekkaus's blog thr he only know how to cook maggie mee. :P at least i can cook more and i can bake! :)
ReplyDeleteNow, now... you can go around calling tekkaus Uncle... but dun go around calling me Auntie, yunno? I am just 25. LOL...going on 26, and so, I'm just about 5 years older than you, sister. Ahahahahahahahha... haiyorr, dono how to cook nvm, you come to my house, I feed you wif sodomized chicken! :P
ReplyDelete@cleffairy omg i lol when read ur comment sista! haha no worry i wont call u auntie 1,tekkaus is diff. :P ohmy, sodomized chicken, hahaha!
ReplyDeletehahaha, cool down cool down.. the best way to proof that and shut their mouths is to cook something and post it here.. hehe :)
ReplyDelete@[SK] yea right! *sob*
ReplyDeleteHahah... who make you so angry. Cool down. You can always buy good food even you dont know how to cook. Its okay.
ReplyDelete@Jobless Girl yea u're totally right! haha! as i mentioned i was reading blogs and the more i read the more frustrated i feel, all the memories appear on my mind makes me think back how was the day they grade my cooking skills. :( thnx for dropping by! =D
ReplyDeletenot to worry, caroline.. i m a mother now and i still dont know how to cook .. much one! :(
ReplyDelete@reanaclaire huhu my mom always says " u better learn to cook now or else no one wanna marry u! " wth! so mean... then my dad say "unless u marry rich man lor, no need worry to go in kitchen to cook, got maid do everything" =.="
ReplyDeletewwooooottt! YOU can cook? then I can DRIVE! lol... i dun drive you know after getting my license for more than a decade now.. u seriously can COOK? lol... now now.. jangan marah.. haha...
ReplyDelete@Merryn sobbing ! haha well i supposed to say i can bake more than cook. haha. guess what? my dad forced me to take driving license since im 17 and yea i did but halfway, i ciao! haha. then 2nd time when am 18, same thing happened. its just so scary for me. n now i really need to go take it for real or my parents gonna screw me up. haha. scary scary scary!!!! prefer ppl fetch me. :p
ReplyDeletePerhaps they assume a good looking girl like you don't know how to cook? Hey, it is a compliment. :p
ReplyDelete@Tekkaus: bahahaha! uncle tekkaus is the best! hahaha