First of all, I would like to wish Kotobian Tadau Tagazo do Kaamatan (Happy Harvest Festival) to all Sabahans. :)
The whole Sabahan celebrating this festival for two days!
If you're wondering if I am celebrating it, I can tell you that am not really celebrating it. lol!
This year I didn't managed to go attend the big festival at KDCA - Kadazan Dusun Cultural Centre - as I used to do it every years. :(
Parents said its too hot and too crowded with locals and tourists.
I still remember every years went there sure got no parking one, you have to parked very far and then walk to the place. :S
Actually I wanted to blog about my outing day with sister and lil bro today, but when I opened my pictures folder and saw a folder with pictures of my lil aunt and I during harvest festival. :)
Let me share some of it with you guys ...

There's lot more pictures but of course you don't expect me to upload all right?
Lol. All those pictures can see in my friendster. :)
Lotsa activities you can do at there.
You can see those tourists joining all the locals dance different types of traditional dance and enjoy the traditional foods and drinks. :)
You can see lots different types of traditional houses which represent each ethnic in Sabah. :)
This year I didn't go there but I've spent a day with my sis Flo, lil bro Gilbert and bestie Vic.
It will be in my next post. :)
There's lot more pictures but of course you don't expect me to upload all right?
Lol. All those pictures can see in my friendster. :)
Lotsa activities you can do at there.
You can see those tourists joining all the locals dance different types of traditional dance and enjoy the traditional foods and drinks. :)
You can see lots different types of traditional houses which represent each ethnic in Sabah. :)
This year I didn't go there but I've spent a day with my sis Flo, lil bro Gilbert and bestie Vic.
It will be in my next post. :)