Friendship Forever, Merryn & Witch!

Okie I supposed to blog about my picnic at Karambunai beach but...
Allow me to blog about this! :p

I opened my mail and saw this one!
Do you know how happy I am? :D

I enlarged the picture. :)

Don't you think it's just tooooo cute?!

According to her, this is actually for Christmas pressie and she is going to give it to me when we meet up.
So, I am really looking forward for our meet up on Nov!! :D
And of course the rest of the gang too. *mwahaha*

We've been knowing each other for half a year and don't have any idea how we can be a good friend, or maybe close friend I can say?
We can always chat happily and laughing together everytime we chat. :D
We talk about almost everything. :)
Of course, not to forget about Witch.
Sometime, three of us having very good group chat sessions!
You won't have any idea what we're talking and laughing about each time! :p

Thanks so much Merryn!!
I love this very much.

[ P/S: You can always see I blog about them its because they are really a good friend of mine. <3 ]



  1. I'm on a streak! One FC after another! :P

  2. @iamthewitch HAHAHAHA!! yay! FC again!! Eric also kalah dy! :p

  3. Aww I love this post!! And I love you! :) Looking forward to see you this November!

  4. Remember to compile a list of food that you said you want to try but never had the chance before. I'll bring you there ok! :)

  5. wow, that's very sweet of Merryn to have that keychain specially crafted for you..

  6. but then why the angel is short curly hair and not long hair like yours?? anyway, the hair color is correct lah, hahaha!! :D

  7. yeah, isn't it amazing that you can make good friends with someone over the blog?? you are lucky to have they nice people around.. :)

  8. and maybe it's always easier for girls to get along together, sure you have a lot to chat about.. girls' talk~~ :p

  9. so you coming to KL in november to meet your boyfie?? :p

  10. @iamthewitch ish....witch!!! actsy already since got 2 FC in a row? HMPH next one i sure win!! Watch out!! XD LOL

  11. that one hang in MY christmas tree ok? hehehe OKIE!! XD

  12. Ohh! Now i know why u so happy when u mentioned in Twitter. LOL!! But I thought you are a snake?! How can be angel? So wrong!!!

  13. Haha! So always chat with Merryn and Witch on msn? Merryn merajuk cos I did not want to add her to my msn, LOL!!!

  14. I think I prefer to chat at YM, dun know why dun like msn. Facebook chat even worse! Hate it!

  15. LOL to Eric's comment that witch is actsy!! Hahaha!!

  16. @[SK] it's becoz Carol likes to set her hair for any big nite out :P

  17. @foongpc
    So am not going to talk to you again.. hmmph :(

  18. lol at SK - It's not a keychain.. That's a halo on the angel's head! Tried making it with long straight hair but did not turn out cute leh...

  19. Carol.. ME love you too :D

    Eric.. you are so outnumbered here buddy... work harder ok? :P

  20. You're going to meet everybody in November? When? When? I'll be flying over to KL on November 12th...

  21. @iamthewitch hahaha!! okie okie will write in a list!! :p

  22. @[SK]doink! not keychain la.. :p haha yea very lucky get to know both of them :D hahaha!! not just my boyfie. :p

  23. @Eric Lee elele! hubby got xmas tree meh? mwahahaha

  24. @foongpc hehe yeaaap! :D WOI snake cant be angel meh now? :p oh actually i love YM too! haha cz my msn got prob! geram me sometimes. will suddenly dc diz. :s hahaha soooo.. can we add u in YM?! :P

  25. Aww...that's so sweet of Merryn~ xD And yes, we have the loveliest and craziest bunch of blogger and twitter friends~ ^^

    Everybody, group hug now! *Huggies* For panda foongpc, hug! Hahahah.... xP

  26. nice! Maybe it's time to ask Merryn to make one for me too :P

  27. wah....really nice key chain there...merryn is so creative...

    no wonder witch always busy ler...chatting nia...hahaha

  28. Merryn is so good to you! Cherish the friendship oh!

  29. waaah! so cute la! i like it a lot coz its an angel. hehehe. so sweet indeed of your friend merryn to give you that angel.

  30. @_el@i_ yea Merryn is always sweet n caring ! :D

  31. All the great friends!! And also they are my friends! =)
