It was just a nice sunny day the time when my family sent me to the airport for my flight to KL here.
I went to my former office to pass something and met dear former colleagues and boss too.

That's the first time for me to feel heavy hearted to leave KK as usually it's only happened when I left KL!
Sister's tummy was upset yet she insisted to follow to the airport, and that's made me felt great!
Poor her going to be more lonely at home without me! But, I know lil Haylie sure gonna cheer her up!
Surprisingly, for this time, I had some fun during my flight as there's 3 bears to giveaway and all passengers need to do is answer 3 simple questions!
It's ALL ABOUT AIRASIA of course!
And... the plane actually landed earlier than the actual flight time!
I was happily meeting Eric at the airport of course!
Oh-my-love, Piggy came to welcome me at the airport too!!!
We headed to the Sunway Giza for our dinner with my bestie and the boyfie.
Just when we about to enter Sunway Giza, I saw B!
And I was jumping around and asking Eric to look for Mariuca!!!
Mariuca and Caroline
So happy to see her again!
The next thing we do --> HUG!!!
Warm hug for sure!!
B, Mariuca & Caroline
We talked for a while before they left and we straight to the Coffee Chemistry Cafe for the dinner!