Top First Commenters & Top Most Commenters for July

Am feeling good today and here would like to thank you for all the people who actually supported my blog all this while and left wonderful comments in my blog posts. I've been busy for the past few weeks and recently losing my blogging mojo till this week getting it back! Put down and leave something that I could not hold any longer give me a huge relieved instead of regret.

Anyone can tell me where to get BIGGER SIZE of this plushie??? I mean exactly the same one.

Alright, I have TWO Top First Commenter for July. They are both my lovely dearies Mariuca and Jean. Thanks a lot for chopping my post! Both will get to be featured in my sidebar for the entire whole month. :)

Makan-Makan @ Mariuca

For my Top 10 Most Commenters, thanks everyone for dropping by here doesn't matter there's new post or not, I love reading all your comments. Here's a shoutout for you guys! 

SK / Bella  / Monica / Isaac / Mei Yee

