Counting down to the day for BigBang's concert is killing me softly! The Saturday seems so far even though it is just few days away from today! Oh by the way, have you guys watched this video of BigBang Fan Club Collaborates with Samsung for fan-made music video?
Check this out as it is really COOL! =D
It was pretty cool to watch the fans actually put effort to do this for their idols! <3 Alright I've been telling you how much I love BigBang and how much I love their songs in my few previous posts about them. And here, I would like to share some of the songs of BigBang that I'm still in love with and never get bored with.
1. Lies
So yup, this is the song that get them into a huge fame and everyone get to know them! <3
2. Sunset Glow
This song always give me the cheerful feeling and it does cheered me up whenever am feeling down.
3. Haru Haru
This will be something sad yet beautiful song from them.
4. Heaven
I'm just in love with the music and rhythm of this song. <3
5. Oh My Friend
This would be something rock but probably one of the best song when am in tense! :P
6. Strong Baby
I just love seeing Seungri being naughty boy at here! :p
7. Love Song
This is something I would play when I get emotional. :p
8. Blue
This song is most probably the song that am in LOVE the most! <3
9. Fantastic Baby
PLAY this song when you are in hyper mood, if you know what I mean.
10. Monster
I could not really understand this song well but this is NICE too!
They are the reason that get me into Kpop and made me fell in love with them and their songs too! :P I also found their song were all comes in different genre and all are really nice that get me addicted with each of the songs. People around me just could not stand the way I replay the songs over and over again. They can always prove that they really put their effort and are talented in a way of composing the songs, the lyrics, the choreography, etc! Tell me how to not love them?!
Tell you this, Samsung has created an awesome app called
Samsung Big Bang's app! I'm freaking love this much! It is very simple and interesting and FUN app for sure! All you need to do just pick a template featuring the members of Big Bang then upload your photo for the snapshot. My mind just go wild when I browse through the template - "
omg! GD and TOP!! So hot n sexy! >.<"

Tadaa! See my picture with BigBang members here! :3 I will just keep my photo with GD and TOP aside! You guys have to check it out!! Oh wait! Those who are going for BigBang's concert this Saturday, do make sure you wear in BLUE as you will be rewarded with a BigBang LED Bangle or party gift(while stock last only) on that day too!