These bags can be really expensive if you can't find a really good deal, especially when it is not on sale. I normally will keep an eye on its official website before Kate Spade finally opened a store in Malaysia. We all know that the price is varied from the official site since it is shipped to Malaysia. Now that I plan to get one of these lovely Kate Spade handbags as a Christmas gift for myself, my sister and mom, I know I have to really hunt for a better option and compare the prices from several sites in order to not burn a huge hole in my wallet.
I was so glad that I stumbled upon this site - iPrice Singapore! There's so many other brands (designers and non designers) on the website and yes, you'll be spoiled with the choices too! The user-friendly interface makes shopping through the site much easier too. Beware, it can be pretty addictive to shop on this site!
Of course, if you're worried about shipping from Singapore why not grab awesome, great deals from iPrice Malaysia ? (。´∀`)ノ